
Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan

Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan

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Ka sistimi e tšepahalang ea boleng bo holimo, boemo bo botle le ts'ehetso e phethahetseng ea bareki, letoto la lihlahisoa le tharollo tse hlahisoang ke mokhatlo oa rona li romelloa linaheng tse 'maloa le libakeng tse ngata.Textile Printing Gum,PAC,Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phofo, Lab ea rona hona joale ke "National Lab of diesel engine turbo technology", 'me re na le sehlopha sa setsebi sa R&D le setsi se felletseng sa liteko.
Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan Detail:

CMC e na le lehlabathe le phahameng le matla a ho kopanya lehlabathe, e ka tlisa proppant ho fractures e tebileng, 'me e ka fokotsa sekhahla sa ts'ehetso le ho etsa hore mocha oa maiketsetso oa oli le oa khase o sebetse haholoanyane. Ka hona, liliba tsa oli le khase ka mor'a ho robeha le CMC li na le phello e matla ea ho susumetsa, e leng holimo haholo ho feta tse hahiloeng ka mokelikeli o tloaelehileng oa fracturing.

CMC-Kopo Of Metsi Thehiloeng Fracturing Mokelikeli

1. E na le matla a matla a ho tenya, a matla ho feta a guar gum, 'me e na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho hasana;
2. Matla a matla a lehlabathe a emisitsoeng, tahlehelo e fokolang ea ho sefa, masala a fokolang le botsitso bo botle ba mocheso, 'me ha ho bonolo ho senyeha ke libaktheria;
3. Ho hanyetsa ho kuta hantle, ho lumellana ho babatsehang le matsoai a sebopeho, ho hanyetsa letsoai hantle le theko e tlaase;
4. Likahare tse setseng li tlaase 'me tšilafalo ho sebopeho e nyenyane;
5. E na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea fracturing le ho boloka metsi, e ka qhibiliha ka lik'hemik'hale tse sa tšoaneng, 'me e na le synergy e phahameng;
6. Ka mor'a ts'ebetso ea fracturing, CMC e tla lula e le fracture 'me e sebelisane le proppant ho theha mohaho oa marang-rang oa sebaka ho matlafatsa momahano oa proppant, e le ho tsitsisa proppant sebakeng sa pele,' me mokelikeli o ka feta ka bolokolohi, e le hore a ka etsa joalo. ho fihlela sepheo sa ho thibela ho khutla ho hoholo;

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan details pictures

Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan details pictures

Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan details pictures

Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Water base fracturing fluid – Yeyuan details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Liphehello tsa rona tsa ka ho sa feleng ke boikutlo ba "ho ela hloko 'maraka, ho nka moetlo, ho nka saense" hammoho le khopolo ea "boleng ba motheo, ho ba le tumelo ho tse ka sehloohong le tsamaiso e tsoetseng pele" bakeng sa Manufactur standard Ginshicel Cellulose Ethers - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC- Metsi a fracturing fluid - Yeyuan, Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Florence, Brazil, Croatia, Re tšepa hore re ka theha tšebelisano ea nako e telele le bareki bohle. Mme re tšepa hore re ka ntlafatsa tlholisano mme ra fihlela maemo a win-win mmoho le bareki. Re amohela ka tieo bareki ba tsoang lefats'eng lohle ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa eng kapa eng eo u e hlokang!
  • Ke e ntle haholo, balekane ba khoebo ba sa tloaelehang haholo, ba lebelletseng tšebelisano e latelang e phethahetseng haholoanyane!
    5 Linaleli Ka Renata ho tsoa Nigeria - 2018.12.11 11:26
    Morekisi enoa o khomarela molao-motheo oa "Boleng pele, Botšepehi e le motheo", ke ho tšepahala ka ho feletseng.
    5 Linaleli Ka Nancy ho tloha Cambodia - 2018.05.13 17:00